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symbols collection


This collection is a direct nod to my brother Haydn - each and every one of these symbols represents a quality that I love about him and aspire to myself. I hope they bring you as much joy wearing them as it did making them.


the heart behind

our symbols

chase grace


This magnificent animal symbolizes strength and elegance. Our Leopard Pendant invites you to chase your dreams with determination and grace.

Chase Grace Leopard Symbol
look higher


A universal symbol of perseverance, inspiration, spiritual awakening and overcoming obstacles. Our Mountain Pendant invites you to look higher and connect with the strength and beauty of your higher self.

Look Higher Mountains Symbol
have faith


The nine-pointed star reflects a noble commitment to world harmony, peace and equality. Our Star Pendant invites you to have faith and see ahead, even when there is no light.

Have Faith Nine-Point Star Symbol
choose hope


A powerful symbol of life, change, strength, and renewal. Our Ocean Pendant invites you to choose hope in the midst of any storm.

Choose Hope Ocean Symbol
be you

Palm Tree

Historically, palm trees have been compared to righteous people with characteristics like authenticity, fruitfulness and flexibility. Our Palm Tree Pendant invites you to be all you were created to be!

Be You Palm Tree Symbol
seek wisdom


In Chinese culture these mythical creatures are seen as friendly and bringers of good luck. Our Dragon Pendant invites you to seek wisdom through life’s transitions.

Seek Wisdom Dragon Symbol
greatness within


This ancient African symbol of leadership, inner strength, and charisma invites you to see and honor the greatness within you.

Greatness Within Adinkrhene Symbol
courage conquers fear

Kwatakye Atiko

Our West African symbol of bravery, fearlessness and valor invites you to conquer your fear with courage.

Courage Conquers Fear Kwatakye Atiko Symbol
humility rocks

Dwennimen Symbol

An African symbol that seeks to remind us of the strength and wisdom of humility. Let yours rock! :)

Humility Rocks Dwennimen Symbol